Home Care Feedback Survey

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Home Care Feedback Survey

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How would you rate the quality of care you received during this service?
How satisfied were you with the explanation of your diagnosis and treatment plan?
How would you rate the friendliness and compassion of your healthcare provider?
How confident do you feel about following your treatment plan?
How would you rate the overall cleanliness and comfort of the facility?
How would you rate the availability and convenience of appointment scheduling?
Was the wait time for your appointment reasonable?
How would you rate the communication and professionalism of your healthcare provider?
Were your questions and concerns addressed during your visit?
Were you satisfied with the amount of time you spent with your healthcare provider during your visit?
Was the overall cost of your visit reasonable?
Was the overall cost of your visit reasonable? (copy)
The content of the care was useful and interesting
1- Strongly Disagree 5- Strongly Agree
The care well organised
1- Strongly Disagree 5- Strongly Agree
The services where they adequate?
1- Strongly Disagree 5- Strongly Agree
Did the services meet your expectation?
1- Strongly Disagree 5- Strongly Agree
What did you think of our external services?
1- Poor 4- Excellent
What did you think of the carer who came?
1- Poor 4- Excellent
Was adequate time provided for questions and discussion?
Did you think you canhelp with improving the care?

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